Monday, October 14, 2013

Kinsley: 4 Months

Our Sweet Little Sunshine is 4 Months OLD! 


A Letter From Mommy: 4 Months 
Dear Kinsley Elizabeth,

            Wow! What a month this has been! You are finally 4 months old and so much has happened to you this month! We started this month off with showing you off at your very first wedding! You had your very FIRST dance with Daddy at the wedding of Mr. & Mrs. Garcia! Daddy and I had a blast dancing with you…and as I sat in that ceremony I dreamed of the day you would be a beautiful bride dancing with your sweet daddy and that brought tears to my eyes! You have continued to be the sweetest little lady on the planet though we surly have had some rough patches this month! It has been a tough one for you!
            This month you started really letting us know that you DO NOT like riding in your car seat…now if that is because you get super hot, you are bored, or you feel lonely we aren’t quite sure, but we are certain that it is not your favorite place! In your 4th month with us, your teeth REALLY started giving you trouble which even caused you to have your first fever. You had more drool than you could imagine and you spent a lot of time fighting naps and wanting to be held by Mommy and Daddy! It made us sad that you seemed very uncomfortable and we did everything we could to help you but your little gums were hurting! Before we knew it, just as Mommy had suspected…your first pearly, white tooth popped through…the week before you turned 4 months old! The second tooth came through right after you turned 4 months! Our sweet baby was in lots of pain…but you were a tough little lady and trucked right on through it all! Shortly after you turned 4 months old you had 2 pretty, white teeth poking up for everyone to see! After those teeth came through you started to feel more like your sweet, happy self, except for when it was time for those yucky 4 month shots…they gave you a fever of 102.5 and made mommy and daddy worry! It took you a whole week to feel like yourself again!
            Sad things weren’t the only thing that happened this month though! You had MANY happy moments! You traveled ALL the way to Louisiana to meet lots of your family members who love you like your Great Aunts and Uncles, Great Gramma and Great Grandpa! Everyone was amazed at how beautiful you are and how advanced you are for your age! They all think you will be walking around by 8 or 9 months! You brought lots of smiles to their faces and hearts and you don’t even know it! You even met Aria in person and you both had tutus that mommy made to match your Daddy’s favorite football teams for the first football game of the season! Your Daddy has been dreaming of watching football with you since he found out you were in my tummy! Spending Sundays with you watching football has been his most favorite thing…and might I say how cute the 2 of you look on the couch in your game day gear together!! A super happy moment for Mommy this month was when we bought your snazzy new tangerine colored stroller! We had so much fun putting it together with Daddy and ALL month long have had a blast taking you on special walks! 
            Your room has become my favorite place in the world! I love being in there…rocking you, reading to you, watching you learn and grow, and sometimes staring at you so peacefully sleeping! Daddy and I couldn’t have created a more perfect room for you! This month you have worked really hard practicing sitting up and can do so with just a little bit of help! You have become a pro at holding and playing with your toys which was very helpful this month because it helped make your teeth feel better! You love your Sophie the Giraffe and by the time you are done with her, she is soaking wet with your dribble drool! Speaking of holding toys…you are hilarious with your soothie pacifier…you pop that thing in and out like crazy! Sometimes you use it as a paci and sometimes you like to use it as a teether! You are one smart girl who knows what she wants! Daddy even tried to teach you how to hold a bottle! You did it! This month you even decided you prefer your thumb over your paci! We often come in and catch you sucking away on your thumb...but I think it also helps your gums to feel better with those teeth you had coming in! You are loving tummy time these days and can turn over in an instant which means all night long you flip, roll, and wiggle all over your crib! As soon as I lay you down on your back, you flip to your belly! You seem to have found your favorite way to sleep all on your own! When you wake up you love to talk to yourself and relax in your crib…my favorite thing to do is peek over the edge to see that pretty, little smile of yours! Your smiles and giggles light up my days and fill my nights with happiness! You just don’t know how incredible you are little lady…each day is filled with new and exciting experiences and lots of LoVe!

Love You Forever,
A Letter From Daddy: 4 Months 
Dear Kinsley,

            So much has happened in these 4 months it is getting hard to keep track! This month has been an extremely busy month! You are growing so fast and getting stronger and stronger each day! We like to call you our little wiggle worm because you move and wiggle ALL the time! While you sleep you wiggle so much that the hair in the sides of your tiny little head is starting to thin! Now when you wake up from your naps you look up with the prettiest smile and the wildest mohawk I’ve ever seen! You took your first road trip this month as we took off for a few days to go visit family in Louisiana. It was so nice to see you put a smile on so many people’s faces.
            Your two little front teeth finally made their way through this month, it has been very hard for mommy and daddy to see you in pain but you have been quite the little trooper! That yummy grape Tylenol you loved so much two months ago is no longer a favorite! We even tried bubble gum flavor and by now, you’ve figured it out and close your mouth shut when we bring it out! Pacifiers have become your favorite teething toys and when all else fails you find your tiny thumb! You got to watch your very first Dallas Cowboy’s game with me and it was so much fun! We beat the Giants 36 to 31 at home. Mommy had you all decked out in fancy Dallas Cowboy gear and you must have been the absolute cutest Cowboy’s fan of all time! By now you fully recognize mommy and daddy even from across the room. I absolutely love this! It is so fun for me to see you spot me from across the room and smile back at me with your tiny big smile!  You are becoming a “Daddy’s Girl” more and more each day and have me wrapped farther around your little finger each month.
            Once again it was a month of firsts for you! You attended your very first wedding when we went to go see our friends Martin and Haley tie the knot. The only seats left in the house was at the table by the speakers and Daddy was scared they would be too loud for your little ears. Nope… I was wrong, as soon as the music came on you were bouncing and jumping around all over the place. You had the best baby dance moves I have ever seen! Towards the end of the night you got super sleepy and just hung out in my arms for the last two hours or so! We danced on the dance floor as you just fell asleep in my arms. It was the sweetest thing to hold you and dance you to sleep amongst all that was going on. You loved it so much that ever since, when I try to rock you back to sleep upstairs at night you refuse to let me. You hold your head up straight, stare right at me, and make a few fussy noises until I stand up and dance you to sleep in middle of your nursery. Within minutes, you are so peaceful that you fall right to sleep and in that moment it is like all is right with the world. I will remember these moments for the rest of my life; you truly are an angel and you just light up the world each and every day.

Love Always,

 Our little Abu...tiny Monkey! 
 What a mess...spit up, drool, and all...that's our 4 month old...but hey she's happy! 
First Time to Meet Great Gramma in Louisiana
First time to meet Great Paw Norman too!
Car Seat Cuteness!
On the way to LOUISIANA!
 Cuter than CUTE!
Our NEW Thumb sucking addiction...but hey it soothes her sore gums!
 Gram and Kinsley!
 Girlie Glue is like Magic for bows!!!
Check out the MOHAWK we woke up with one morning! 
 Daddy's Sweet Girl!

 Best Beach Bum I know!
 Kinsley loves her Daddy! 
 Sprawled out and Sleepin!
 Makes my heart happy! 
Daddy's First Dance with his Daughter! 
I will remember this night forever! 


Cousin Fun...busy bees...
Korbin said no more...bedtime! 
3 Baby Amigos! 
Korbin, Kinsley, and Cole
Mommy's Night OUT with the GIRLS...Daddy's Night IN with HIS Girl!
Game Day...Go Cowboys! 
Football and Tutus....what more could you ask for?
Kinlsey and Aria ready for the 1st Game of the Season! 
(Wishing Kinsley's Daddy told me she had spit up all over her face lol!)
Rockin' the Football leg warmers from Mrs. Shannon! They are a perfect fit for those tiny legs!

 Daddy loves his little Football Fan!

 Grandma Debby loves her little Cowboys Cheerleader!
Cowboy kisses...Mommy and Kinsley...GOOOO Cowboys!
After our 4 Month fun, but she was a trooper!
This month I learned how to add a little sweetness to my Explorer...and I'm LOVIN' it! 
Why didn't I research this sooner?!?!

Kinsley's 3 Month Photos (taken at 3 1/2 Months)! 
What a little ham! 

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