Sunday, October 27, 2013

Kinsley: 5 Months

Our little SONGBIRD is 5 Months OLD and SINGING like a champ! 


A Letter From Mommy: 5 Months 
Dear Kinsley Elizabeth,

Well my little sweetness…we have officially spent 5 sweet months with you and you continue to amaze use with each coming day! I think if I have calculated correctly, with all of the pictures I snap of you and your sweetness each day by the time you are 18 we will have over 150,000 pictures of just your little sweet face! Your Mommy really likes to take pictures and I think I have broken some kind of record in the amount of pictures taken of a person who has only lived 5 short months…but hey…you are worth it! Taking pictures of you fills my heart with happiness because we will never get these tiny moments back…and more than likely your little brain will not remember them…and I am soaking them ALL in! I even started making big bows for you to look even more fancy in all your pictures!
With each coming day you are working on something new and learning so much! I feel so blessed to be able to discover all of these new things right along with you and watch your little life unfold as you grow and change each day! In fact you have learned MANY new things with your little MOUTH this month! EVERYthing….I mean EVERYTHING you touch goes into your tiny mouth, you open that little mouth sooooo wide, and one time your little mouth got so wild you even bit your tongue! Your second tooth came in right after you turned 4 months old; those things are sharp and if you are not careful, they can get ya! You have been reaching for everything in sight and then straight to your mouth it goes…eventually you’ve started throwing it down on the ground or table so Mommy or Daddy can get it for you! You even have learned that a cup is for drinking and that you are supposed to put it to your mouth…I guess you have learned that by watching Mommy and love to pull our glass toward you and try and drink from it! It is actually quite hilarious to see such a tiny baby trying to drink from a cup, but you seem to know what you want! Soon enough my little love you too can drink from a big girl cup! You even try to eat our food…I guess that means you are ready to start on some REAL food! Not only do you love putting things in your mouth but you LOVE blowing air and tiny bubbles in your mouth and it is just the silliest…but messiest thing I have ever seen but it puts the biggest smile on me and Daddy’s face! So, you pretty much have a constant stream of dribble drool coming from your mouth and your clothes get soaked! We go through at least 3 bibs a day for you! You have also been practicing your singing voice these days…you love to sing and make really funny, loud noises! The funniest part is that you are not the least bit upset…you are as happy as can be but I can tell you are serious about what you are wanting to tell us!    
It seems like this month you have become so aware of others around you and are attempting to build relationships with them at every chance you get! You have really starting noticing other kiddos (and they are really noticing you too) and they love to interact with you and make you giggle up a storm! They think you are so funny when you laugh and smile at them! Your big, blue eyes stare right at them as they try and act silly to make you laugh! Your new favorite friends are our puppies Bronx and Berkley! You seem to think they are hilarious! We can always find you searching for them, and once you spot them you start cracking up and lean toward them! You reach your tiny hands and feet out for them so that they can lick you and you get a kick out of that! You are in LoVe with those two puppies! You are also in love with Mommy and Daddy and can spot us from across a big room…your tiny little eyes follow our every move…the second we flash a smile or silly face at you…you send one right back our way…you are just the sweetest, happiest baby I know! You have even become super aware of yourself…you love to stare at yourself and Mommy and Daddy in the mirror!
For such a tiny, dainty, little thing you still amaze me with your strength…you are not a frail little baby by any means! You are constantly building those little muscles of yours! You love to lift yourself up to a standing position almost all on your own just by holding one of our fingers…you are sooooo happy when you are standing, if I didn’t know any better I would think you might just up and start walking! We started putting you in your jumperoo and that really makes you happy! You have the kickiest little legs I have ever seen. I call you my little Russian dancer because when you are laying, standing, or even sitting those little legs go in and out about 100 miles a minute! Not only are your little leg muscles strong, but so are your back muscles because you are already able to sit up on your own! Of course Mommy and Daddy have to help you get your balance…but once you are balanced you can sit for quite a few minutes, strong and tall…You sit up and play with toys on the floor, in a high chair, and even in a shopping cart! Sometimes you get so excited you topple over, but you are getting better and better every day! Sitting up makes you so happy! I am so very proud of you! Since you are able to sit up so well like a big girl you let us know that you would like to switch to your toddler seat on our big orange stroller and you are loving it…no more laying down for you!
You are one busy bee little Miss Kinsley! You grab anything you can get your hands on especially Mommy’s necklaces and scarves….you have loved discovering them and playing with them! You reach for plastic bags and even the window blinds while I am changing your diaper, thankfully you don’t get too crazy with them…yet…but most of all you love to find Mommy’s hair…I can’t tell you how many times a day my hair ends up wrapped up in those tiny fingers of yours! It’s okay by me though…because I love being reminded how tiny your little hands really are…because I know they won’t be that way for long! Oh yes and speaking of diaper changes, you are the wiggliest worm I know on the changing table…you literally turn every which way at least 5 times during every diaper change…you are a wild woman! Though you may be wild during the day…you are one super sleeper at night time! This month you started sleeping a whole 8 hours and then waking up to eat…then you would go back to bed for another 4 or 5 hours…Mommy and Daddy really enjoyed your big girl sleeping habits you’ve developed…though from what we hear that may not last for long since babies go through all kinds of sleep changes when they are growing, but we don’t mind…we like seeing you smile at us in the middle of the night! Also, despite your wild ways…the most amazing thing is when I pull out a book with you on my lap you are ALWAYS ready to read! You sit so still and quite looking and noticing ALL of the pictures and listening to EVERY word! That has to be one of my most favorite parts of the day! Reading brings a sense of calmness over you, and I love that you love our reading time together…it fills my heart with happiness and I will remember you as my teeny, tiny reader forever! My first graders would be so proud of you! I am so proud of you in so many ways and can’t believe you are our little lady to keep forever and ever! You are truly the sunshine in each of my days, even on the cloudy ones! I wouldn’t trade you for any other baby in the whole world…I love seeing the happiness your smile and laughter brings to the life of every one around you and can only hope that that trait follows you throughout your whole life because it is such a beautiful one to have! Each day you become more and more beautiful both inside and out, which I know will only continue as you grow into a sweet, little girl! You and Daddy are my everything Miss Kinsley, and life with the two of you is indescribable…I will continue to soak in every moment I experience with you and love you both with every breath I take more and more with each coming day!

Love You Forever,
A Letter From Daddy: 5 Months 

 Sittin' Pretty....
Reading with Mommy!
 In a High Chair....

 ANNNND on her own! 
Where did Kinsley Go????
Sweet cousins learning to share!
 Our Pretty, Pretty Princess in PINK!
We found our thumb...but only needed it for a short while!
Hibachi NIGHT! Kinsley had her EYES on the FIRE all night! 
 Pretty much my favorite girl in the whole, wide world! 

 Kinsley got to know Mr. Bear really well!
 She loved tummy time in the stroller and talking to Jacques the Peacock!
 Mirrors were all the rage this month!
Grams and her babies! 
FED and ready for BED!
 Just plain cuteness! 

Fun at Play Group!
 Kinsley and her girls...all born within 2 1/2 weeks of each other! 
 Mommy and Daddy had a blast at the Plano Balloon Festival
 Pretty in pink for NFL's Breast Cancer Awareness Month...but still supporting those Cowboys too!
 Aunt Jenna and Kinsley sportin' the pink!
 Cutest football fan in the world...and YES her Daddy loves HER more than football! What a lucky girl! 
 Kinsley loves Daddy and his scruffy beard he has been growing for his hunting trip! 
Fancy in her FALL attire!
 We were soooo excited! Kinsley got her brand new moccs in from Freshly Picked...they are still a little too big since Mommy ordered a 2 since very soon Miss Kinsley will be grown out of a size 1!
 Kinsley met the giraffes at the Dallas Zoo!
 A Day Out with Uncle Chet and Aunt Katie....coolest high chair in the world...check it out! 

Bath time fun! 
 My First Attempt at 5 Months Pics....FAIL
First we wanted to eat the hanger...
Then....we just got mad!  
 So Mommy opted to save our pretty fancy tutu dress for 6 months pics and try another photo sessions after the next nap! 
Happy 5 Months to our Sweet Little Cupcake! 
 We found out Lil' Miss Kiss was a Lil' Miss Kiss around 20 weeks of the she is at around 20 weeks old! 
20 Weeks IN my tummy...
And....20 Weeks OUT of my tummy!

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