Mustard and Charcoal Gray in ALL its GLORY!
Gotta stick with our theme here of yellow and gray with a Fall twist lol!
I must brag a little…I couldn't find ANYTHING in the color scheme for her little outfit….soooo popped into Hobby Lobby found some perfect material and along with my Mother-In-Law sewed up a cute, little pillowcase dress for her to sport! While I had planned all of the outfits for an outdoor shoot…because of the ICE storm we had that was a no go since the ice was melting and ground was soppy! Who wants their fuzzy, white boots stomping in mud…no little girl of ours!! Haha! Then I just matched Jeff and I around it! Now I am a pro seamstress of these little cute numbers thanks to my crafty Mother-In-Law!
Pretty sure this little lady is full of personality and silliness…when taking this pic she could not keep her tiny feet still…low and behold the quirkiest picture you could ever capture!
Just about the sweetest pictures you could ever capture….Precious in Pearls!
Our Crazy, Crawling Cutie!
She loves to reach out and say 'Hi'
Cannot get that tongue to stay in to save our lives…it's just her little quirk and we love it!
Who smiles like that lol….
Ummmm could you have a more priceless Mommy and Me moment…I will CHERISH this moment forever!
And yes these are the SAME 15 images but look so different in black and white sooooo I decided to post them too!
I must say that things work out they way they are supposed to. Though we did not have the fabulously, rich outdoor background that I had hoped for buuuuuut the trade off was sooooo worth it, as we would have never captured these amazing moments of our gorgeous, little lady!
Look at the comparison shot she got with her newborn pic and now!
Sooooooo happy with the outcome! We love Melissa from CHerished Memories and the amazingness she captured! When she posted our shoot her blog her sweet words made me tear up….
"This is one of *those* families. One of those perfect ones. One of those families who are beautiful inside and out. And their baby girl…? Good gracious! Have you ever seen a more beautiful 6 month old baby????"