Monday, April 8, 2013

Our Jumping Gymnast at 36 Weeks!

How far along? 36 weeks
Fruit/Veggie Comparison: Cabasa Melon (estimated 18.9 inches)
Total Weight Gain/ Loss? 32 pounds 
Maternity Clothes? Oh yes! I even got me 4 new, amazingly, comfy, and cute maternity short sleeve tees! I am in love and might wear them every day! I also bought myself a pair of Yellow Box flip flops to help my little feet to have some comfy flip flops instead of walking on cardboard...they are an official pregnancy purchase to help with the next 4 weeks! 
Stretch Marks? Nope...still lotioning it up...though I MIGHT have spotted a hint of one...but we shall see!
Sleep: Not the best sleep in the world...definitely a lot of tossing and turning all night long...and can you say HOT...I get pretty warm while I am catching some ZZZZssss! I am not sure if it's just our mattress, my pregnancy pillows, hormones, or warmer weather....I am sure a combination of them all!  
Best Moment THIS Week: Taking the sweetest maternity pictures with Kinsley's sweet daddy to be! My mom came out to the Botanical Gardens with us to snap some amazing memories...she caught some greatness for sure...soon to be posted for your viewing pleasure! 
Miss Anything? My feet and back not hurting terribly by day's end! 
Movement: Well....our little gymnast continues to flip and kick around in there! I was quite certain she had flipped to breech again by the time we went to our appointment last Wednesday...and sure enough that little lady flipped again...SHE IS BREECH yet again...totally indecisive like her momma! She's dancin' to the beat of her own drum!
Food Cravings: CLEMENTINE CUTIES....pregnancy grocery store has been OUT of them for 2 weeks...I must travel to alternate venues...I am beginning to have withdrawals! Can't a pregnant lady get some cuties around here! Come on man! ;)
Recent, Unpleasant Developments: Slightly swollen ankles and feet by day's end...and slightly swollen fingers because of the weight gain and warmer weather I suppose! Oh and yes...heartburn and indigestion are back in action full fledged! On April 1st after eating my yummy roast, chocolate cake, and drinking caffeine, some severe indigestion set in...combined with a toothbrush gag caused some severe throwing up early that morning....nooooottt so fun at 36 weeks...or pretty much EVER! 
Have you started to show yet: Ummm....are you kidding...after taking our maternity pictures...I realized how round and voluptuous my pregnant belly really is...I was like WOW! that is a BIG belly! 
Gender: Flippin' Lil' Gymnast Girl
Labor Signs: Not at all
Belly Button In or Out? IN, phew...not sure how much longer it can hang isn't totally flat YET, so maybe by the next 4 weeks it will be okay! 
Wedding Rings On or Off? ON every, love, love my husband, but they are definitely more and more difficult to get off...I am seeing an end to their wear in the VERY near future! 
Happy, Emotional, or Moody Most of the Time: In disbelief that we only have less than 1 MONTH to go....that's 4 weeks! Oh my goodness gracious! Kinsley here we come!
Funny/ Sweet Quotes from the First Graders:
"Mrs. NOT let Baby Kiss ride a is too dangerous!" -Andrew
Looking Forward to: Getting the nursery letters on hung on the wall and making her BOW holder to hand on the wall too! I got the fabric and ribbon and I think it will be pretty sensational once it is all complete! Also, I am super excited for my Baby Shower at school with all of my teacher friends...

Her Sweet Name Banner I made for our Maternity Pics...
it will go pretty perfectly in her room might I add! 
We are OFFICIALLY in the LAST MONTH stretch for our little one to arrive and we are MORE than ready! Everything is pretty much set...though I may make some changes to her going home outfits and such...if we had her tomorrow we wouldn't be in a frazzled state! 

35 Week Appointment UPDATE:
Last Wednesday was our 35 week growth scan and you will never believe it...of course as I mentioned before Lil' Miss Kinsley has flipped and is now BREECH again...but that didn't surprise me, because as her Mommy, I could totally read her movements and knew very well that she had yet again flipped within the week from our last appointment, she's got LOTS of fluid in there so I suppose she is having a blast! The AmAzInG news is that she has had a HUGE growth spurt and is now measuring in the 27th percentile, the highest she has been up until now is 12th percentile (she's now measuring just a couple days small)...weighing in at about 5.8 pounds!!!! In the coming weeks she is supposed to begin gaining about an ounce a day...that is a WHOLE lot of growing...if the estimation is anywhere near correct we just might have ourselves an almost 8 pound baby on our hands by our estimated due date...only time will tell! This doesn't surprise me either...because in the last 2 weeks since our last growth scan...I have had sooo much more pressure on my lower back and MUCH more discomfort overall, feeling super heavy on my feet! I have also had a super ZAP of my thinking is that she is stealing all of my energy to grow, grow, and grow some more! Her movements are HUGE and so strong, and I swear that lil' lady is dancin' to the beat of her own drum! Our next appointment will just be a check up, and then at 37 weeks (full term...YIKES...I can't believe I am saying that)...we will do another growth scan. If she is breech then the Dr. will try and flip her around 37 weeks, and if that doesn't work we might try some chiropractic tricks! Whoooo knows! 

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