Thursday, November 22, 2012

Oh So Very Thankful...

So, even though it has been a terrible last 4-5 days, it's okay because I was able to have pure uninterrupted, guilt free rest time! It helped me to heal up (well sort of) in time for of my favorite holidays! I know have my taste buds back and ready for some turkey, gravy, and the Stevens family's FAMOUS stuffing! Soooo excited... you don't even know! Despite the fact that I am still sick, I am working hard to get all of my special fixins ready for the big day! I am working on my Pumpkin Pies, Sweet Potato Crunch, Zucchini Casserole, Cranberry Mellow (Papa Kiss' tasty Holiday treat I love to make, despite the 45 minutes of cranberry slicing it takes, it's so worth it), and Pumpkin Crunch to get ready for all of our Thanksgiving events! Thank goodness to a little Second Trimester Energy Surge! I finished the pies and prep work for the Cranberry Mellow last night and finished the rest this morning! Viola!

However, I COULD NOT have done it without my partner in crime this morning... super sonic slicer, dicer of the veggies...and determined Dishwasher! He was amazing! 
So thankful for him!

My sweet Hubby also made a last minute trip to Kroger to grab the much needed Cool Whip for my oh so favorite pumpkin pie, the Thanksgiving Day paper with all of those Black Friday Ads, and a sweet Holiday treat for me and Baby Kiss (1/2 decaf of course). I haven't been drinking caffeine, except for every now and again I have a Coke, and this is only my third Starbucks during the whole pregnancy...I am dying now that their Holiday Caramel Brulee is's my favorite! I think I will frequent the place but go for full decaf so I won't feel guilty about the caffeine! Haha!

Every year, I find more and more things to be thankful for, this year seems to be bursting with things to be thankful for. I am first and foremost so thankful to lead this blessed life each day that the Lord has given me...each new day is a that I am oh so thankful to share in! I am so very thankful for the blessed life that Jeff and I lead together each and every day, words cannot express how thankful I am for him and the life that we share. I am at a loss for words when I think about blessed we are to be able to bring Baby Kiss into this world, and share the many blessings of life with him/her! I am thankful that our plan aligned with the Lord's, and we have had the time to prep and prepare for our little one both physically, spititually, and emotionally! We could not be more ready. I am thankful for the love and support of our families, the excitement they share with us, and the love they already shower Baby Kiss with. I am thankful for our friends, who love us and experience all of life's fun with us! Of course I am thankful for ALL that I have each day, and most of all that I have a loving family to share it with! 

Happy 16 1/2 weeks to Baby Kiss (I can't wait to give Baby Kiss his/her first experience of my favorite Stevens Family STUFFING) and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families!

How far along? 16 Weeks 3 days
Fruit/Veggie Comparison: Avocado/ Turkey Leg (4 1/2 inches)
Total Weight Gain/ Loss? less than 1 pound, sometimes -1 pound (give or take)
Maternity Clothes? Not quite yet...I bought a Belly Band from Target weeks ago, with the intention of needing it by now, but haven't used it quite yet! Baby Kiss is staying tucked away so far!
Stretch Marks? Nope...and doing all that I can to cream and oil it up now, to help prevent them in the near future! 
Sleep: Sleeping great (despite my congestion and cough, can't blame that on the pregnancy though), but I still wake up around 2:30 each night, and then whenever the puppies decide it's time to whine!
Best Moment THIS Week: Being reminded of what an amazing Daddy Jeff is going to be while he took the best care of me as I was down and out, feeling so very yucky for 4 days....I couldn't say thank you to him enough! 
Miss Anything? Just the daily luxury to freely eat or drink whatever, whenever, without worrying if the cheese has been pasteurized or if the meat has been heated to the right temperature, etc....oh ya...that reminds me.... I DO MISS fresh, cold cut DELI sandwiches, I would give anything to eat a fresh Subway sandwich, Big Italian from Jersey Mikes, or a #12 from New York Sub Hub!
Movement: None yet...but the OBGYN said this week I should be feeling it soon...usually comes between weeks 16 and 20
Food Cravings: No true ones yet...but I am seriously craving the Stevens Family Stuffing...I do every year from the first of November until Thanksgiving Day!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Can't think of anything
Have you started to show yet: I think it's beginning to show a slight bit, but others surely don't notice yet
Gender: No idea...I am feeling more like a girl...Jeff is still totally hoping boy...3 weeks until our Gender Reveal Party!
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly Button In or Out? IN, please tell me it will stay there! 
Wedding Rings On or Off?, love, love my husband!
Happy, Emotional, or Moody Most of the Time: Happy as a clam, who is sick :) 
Looking Forward to: Thanksgiving Dinner surrounded by my family and introducing Baby Kiss to the Stevens Family Stuffing and Pumpkin Pie lathered in Cool Whip...his/her 2 new addictions and FINALLY and COMPLETELY getting over this silly Fall sickness! 

May you all have a very Blessed Thanksgiving full of family and fun!
(Now I am off to celebrate with my beloved family...
minus Mr. Kiss because he has to work and talk to airplanes.)

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