Friday, August 9, 2013

Kinsley: 1 Month

On June 15th, our sweet Kinsley turned ONE month old! Goodness it seemed like time was flying! In he first month of life there was a whole lot of craziness! People were visiting non-stop, I was adjusting to life as a mommy and all FUN (and challenges) that come with it, balancing sleep and night feedings, Daddy went back to work after a week off, we packed up my classroom and I spent some time with my fabulous FIRST graders during their last few moments in the first grade...pure non-stop craziness! Nothing this new momma couldn't handle though! It was a whole lot all wrapped up in one little month but soooooo worth it once it was all said and done! 

I have decided the best way to wrap up each of Kinsley's experiences with us as she learns and grows is to write a letter to her and share it with all of you. That way you can be up to date on the latest and greatest experiences Miss Kinsley encounters! Her amazing Daddy has agreed to write his own take as well to capture all of his emotions and experiences along the way! I am so excited to share a sneak peek into our special world with you!
A Letter From Mommy: 1 Month 
Dear Kinsley Elizabeth, 

On May 15, 2013 at 10:55 pm, when you finally came into the world we were so excited to meet you! You were a tiny 7 pound 7 ounce little lady who was 20 inches long and welcomed into the world with so much love from so many people! I will never forget the smile on your daddy's face when he first saw you, it was truly love at first sight! Before you were even born you had stolen his heart, but once you were had it forever! The first time I held you close to me right after you were born was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced! It was like you knew you were right where you needed to be, and you trusted that I would take care of you! As soon as they placed you on my chest, a strong sense of peace overcame you, it was like we had known each other forever, I couldn't believe you were that tiny thing moovin' and groovin' inside of my tummy for so long. When you were in my tummy you would press your little bootie on top of my ribs, and once you were born I was amazed to hold your tiny bootie in my hands. It was amazing to me that it was the exact same size as it was in my tummy! You were truly an answered prayer to so many and have been such a blessing to our family! Friends, family, hospital workers, strangers, EVERYONE who saw you and met you could not believe how beautiful you were and were so taken back by your beauty! They could not stop talking about how gorgeous you were from the very first day you were born, and with each day you continue to become more and more beautiful! I don't think there is one person who hasn't said that you are the prettiest newborn baby they had ever seen. All of your Grandmas and Grandpas were so excited to snap pictures of you and send them to everyone they knew because they were so very proud that you were finally here! Your Uncles and Aunt Katie rushed to meet you and wanted nothing more than to hold you in their arms and just stare at your sweet, little face! Daddy was the biggest baby helper of them all, he changed all of your diapers in the hospital and helped Mommy in every way that he could! Daddy changed his very FIRST diaper ever when you were born! You truly have the most incredible Daddy in the world and you don't even know it yet, though I am sure you are starting to realize it as much time as he spends staring at you, holding you, and taking care of you! 

Our first month with you was truly indescribable. We found out that you are truly the most perfect baby in the world! I always told people that if I were to go to the baby store to pick out the perfect would be the one I would pick, so we are filled with so much happiness that God blessed us with such a perfectly healthy newborn baby girl! In your first month you were eating and sleeping like a champ...Mommy usually only had to feed you every 3 hours and you were one HAPPY baby! You were even able to drink from a bottle with no problem! From the first day that you were born you were trying to push up with your feet and put your little bootie in the air! You tried so hard to practice your head control and look around, but you were still very wobbly! We loved when you would do the Superman during tummy time (lifting your head and feet at the same time). From the beginning you were an unbelievably strong baby...and everyone was always impressed with your strength and your alertness! On the first day you were born you were able to hold on to Uncle Josh's finger with your hand, and loved to hold on to anyone's finger you could find after that! Uncle Josh made sure someone captured a picture of that special moment! You learned to use your strong legs to kick out of your swaddles by 2 weeks, but we figured out some tricks to help you like them better and stay in them! Near the end of your first month you started to look at Mommy and Daddy, and you would notice if Mommy left the room and you were lonely, even for a second! 

You were one busy bee your first month! Family and friends didn't stop coming to visit you and hold you for 2 whole weeks! You were one popular little person! Mommy and Daddy got spoiled with so many tasty dinners that our sweet friends and family would bring us when they came to see you! Grandpa Chet made sure he came to visit you every single day after work just so he could hold you and watch you grow! He wanted to make sure you knew him and how much he loves you! You even met your cousin Korbin this month...oh what fun you two had together! Our puppies Bronx and Berkley, who are about 1 year old, were so excited to meet you! They were very kind to you and never try to hurt you, but Berkley does like to eat your pacifiers so we have to keep those away from her, and Bronx always likes to check and make sure you are okay! He thinks you are his sometimes we call you Bronx's baby. Shhh...don't tell him you are actually OUR baby, we will just keep that our little secret. You also had the chance to meet ALL of my first graders who just loved you more than you know! You were a part of our first grade class from the beginning of the year even though you were in my tummy! They were so excited to see you and meet you, and thought you were the cutest baby ever! We even took you to church for the first time which was very special to your Great Papa Kiss! We went to his church when you were just 10 days old and he loved introducing you to all of your friends! He would say "This is my great granddaughter Kinsley Elizabeth, she is just 10 days old!" Great Papa Kiss was so very proud of you and your beauty! 

You met a lot of people in your first month, but you also did a lot of things too! When you were one week old you were a super star and had your very first photo shoot! Your pictures came our more perfectly than I could have pictured and you truly showed everyone what a sweet, little ray of sunshine you truly were! You went on your first ride in the stroller through my school and then in Southlake Town Center with Mommy and Daddy! You practiced sitting in your Boppy chair propped up, and loved swinging in your Mamaroo!! You only cried when you were hungry or needed something from Mommy or Daddy! You made a silly goose sound sometimes that would make us laugh! We also smiled and laughed when you would play with your tongue and stick it in and out...I would call you my little lizard, but my favorite were your tiny baby coughs and sneezes...the CUTEST ever! I wanted to bottle them up so I could listen to them forever! Your baby stretches were also my most favorite...every time I would pick you up from sleeping, you would give the biggest stretch and arch wayyyy back and make the most serious stretch face. It made me smile every time! We soaked up every sweet minute with you in your first month with us, and couldn't wait to see what else you had in store for us! Our love for you was immediate, but with each coming day continued to grow and grow! 

Love You Forever, 
A Letter From Daddy: 1 Month 
Dear Kinsley,

            I will never forget the feelings I had on 5-15-2013. From the moment they took you from Mommy’s tummy you cried and cried for a whole 30 seconds. The moment you heard my voice, you began to settle down, bringing tears of joy to my eyes.  I cannot tell you how that made me feel, it was absolutely incredible. You have brought such joy into the lives of so many people and you don’t even know it yet. You are without a doubt the most precious gift God has ever given us.
From the very beginning the entire hospital staff just knew you were the cutest baby they had seen and now, one month later nothing has changed! I remember everyone was impressed with your strength and thought you had the cutest little “pouty face” they had ever seen before. I will always remember the first two nights in the hospital with you and Mommy. We never slept because we were just so amazed with you. I would get up in the middle of the night just to pick you up and put you on my chest. Holding you there gave you comfort, a security of some sort that was just so natural. It was an incredible first few days filled with so much love and emotion. For two straight weeks we were so incredibly busy because everyone wanted to meet you. The first thing everyone noticed was your beautiful full head of hair and how alert you were as newborn baby! By the end of your first month we had taken your newborn photos and the photographer was amazed at how sweet and adorable you were. You were like a little baby model! You did so good and pics of you were all over her website! It has been an amazing first month with you in our lives and every day gets better and better!

Love Always,
First Month FUN! 

1st Time to Meet my Cousin Korbin
1st Church Visit with Great Papa Kiss

 Korbin and Kinsley 
Hanging out at Mommy's School 
Wild Little Monkey  
Little Love Bug

 Sleepin' and Snugglin'
How I Sleep without that SWADDLE!

 I love me awesome UNCLE CHET....he loves me sooooo much...

....and so does my sweet Aunt Katie (they bought me these outfits)

 Playin' on my play mat! 

Mommy and Daddy's first DATE NIGHT since little one was born! 

Mommy could finally fit back into her rings!!!!! 

I hung out with my cousin Korbin while they were away and Grandma Debby snapped this picture and sent it to Mommy and Daddy! 
 Out on the town at 1 MONTH old!
I am a 1 MONTH old! 

Sweet Pictures from Daddy's Father's Day Gift....

 And one last, BIG yawn because it is just too cute!

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