Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kinsley: 3 Months

Our little sweetness is officially 3 MONTHS old...9 more and she will be 1 YEAR OLD!!!!! Time is flying and full of excitement! It just seems that with each coming day things are getting better and better! Who could have though that was possible? This month we have really gotten this mommy and baby stuff down! Little Kinsley has developed her own little routine and is quite predictable...Mommy and Daddy know each and every one of her cries....hungry, sleepy, lost my paci, wet/dirty diaper, I'm hot in this carseat...and then the sweet "I just want to be held"! It was a month full of fun and it feels like she has been with us forever! 
A Letter From Mommy: 3 Months 
Dear Kinsley Elizabeth, 

Three months have passed and my love and amazement for you has just continued to grow! You are a sweet, little lady who is already developed well beyond your months. I love that you have such a "Just because I am little, doesn't mean I can't do it" attitude! We have shared so many adventures with you in your few shorts months with us, and you bring so much happiness to my heart in all that we have been able to share with you! 

Your big ol' blueberry eyes LOVE to stare at your Mommy and Daddy, and everyone else in the family who loves you! When I wake up in the morning and peek over your crib...the first thing I see are your two big blueberry eyes staring back at my followed by the BIGGEST smile and wiggle you can imagine...truly the best part of waking up! Those big eyes have noticed the mirror this month, and I love it when you stare back at me when we are getting dressed in the have smiles for miles! My favorite time was when we were listening to Taylor Swift's "Never Grow Up" song, and you would not take your eyes off of smiled and laughed and smiled and laughed! Tears started falling from my eyes as I looked back at you and listened to the was at that moment I realized that I have never loved anything they way that I love you...and I can't believe I get to share the rest of my life with you! It was at that moment, I scooped you up and held you close to me and just cried staring at you in the mirror swaying back and forth with you in my arms and you stared right back at me the whole time...sweetest moment ever! 

Everyone says that you have your Daddy's eyes...and that is okay with me because I am in love with his eyes! Those pretty eyes of yours have even started to noticed your own feet. You wiggle and kick your feet around, as you peer down at them and watch their movements! Your Great Maw was the first to catch you doing this! Speaking of watching seems to be your most favorite thing to do!  You love to know what is going on around you, and you aren't afraid to let people know that are holding you that you want to be a part of the fun, you love to be held upright or facing forward on someone's lap! When we go to playgroup or restaurants, you love to sit on Mommy's lap and watch everyone around you! I think it is the funniest when we go out to are just the tiniest person just hanging out at the dinner table! I think that has been my most favorite time with you this month...I wish I could keep you this little on my lap forever! We even took you to the Hibachi restaurant with us for the first time and you sat on me and Daddy's lap and watched the fire and the chef with so much intent! You loved the sounds the chef made as he tapped his tools on the was amazing to see how interested you were and aware of everything that was going on at only 2 1/2 months! Just like when we brought you and your cousin Korbin to the Barnum and Bailey Brothers' were both so interested in the show! You couldn't take your eyes off of the things that were happening as you sat on me and Daddy's lap during the show. You lasted almost the whole show but fell asleep about 9:15, it was amazing that you could sleep with all of the noise but you and Korbin had no even fell asleep right around the same time! If I didn't know any better, I would think you are already at least a year old! 

Your eyes aren't the only body part you are practicing using this month! Those little muscles in your body are getting a work out! That little head and neck of yours has become super strong and is perfectly stable, which sometimes makes it hard for me to clean under your chinny chin chin during bath time. You are still a wiggle worm, and wiggle all over the place in your crib. We can't keep those strong arms of yours in your swaddle, you get them out every night in no time...even with Mommy's amazing swaddling skills that Daddy has become jealous of...but what can I say...I am a swaddling master, but you are a Houdini and find a way to escape with your arms in no time! Oh and I am pretty sure I caught you rolling over from your back to your tummy on the video monitor before your turned 3 months, but you were quick to flop back! On the day you turned 3 months old you decided to accomplish your trickiest move yet and roll over from your back to your tummy right, and when you woke up after you flipped to your tummy, you weren't so sure what to do so you got really sad and just started crying! Of course Mommy was there right away to help you figure out what to do next! Speaking of rolling over...right before your turned 3 months you were practicing pushing your self up with your arms during tummy time, and you rolled over from your tummy on to your back! I just couldn't believe it!  Those tiny hands of yours love to play with your ears (especially when you are eating) and your fingers, and I love when your tiny hands play with my fingers and such...but you have gotten really great at grabbing my long, brown hair and I must admit that kind of hurts. I find it to be very tricky to get my hair out from between your tiny fingers but I don't mind...I know you just can't wait until your hair is long and pretty like Mommy's! Your muscles are also strong enough to help you sit in your Bumbo chair and propped up on the couch or on a chair! You love it so much, so we bought you a high chair so during dinner you can sit at the table with us for fun! Soon enough you can eat some snacks in your new, fancy high chair! 

This month we have gotten some of the BIGGEST smiles and SILLIEST giggles from you! Your funny, little laugh is kind of deep for a little person, and it cracks me up when you toss your head back when you laugh! The funniest sounds come from your little mouth too! This month you have started playing with your voice and you have lots of fun, it's almost like you are trying to sing a song or talk! You've been blowing bubbles and had so much dribble drool... you're like our own little drool machine, but that is what happens when babies are teething like you are! Teething is causing you some trouble and tricky times this haven't been sleeping as well, when you eat sometimes you get fussy because it hurts when you suck, you bite on your fingers constantly, and sometimes just cry for no reason at all when it hurts really bad and that's not like you. You are an early teether, most kiddos your age don't usually have to deal with this pain quite yet, but that's okay...that just means those pretty white teeth will be in in no time! Daddy and I do feel so sad for you, especially since this month you've started to have your first little sign of tears begin to well up in your eyes when you are REALLY sad. We do everything we can to make you feel better, so that those tears go away...we don't like them! I found you some fun teething toys that you like to help you as your teeth give you trouble, we think your tooth might be on the way in the next month, but we have to wait and see! Not only have your teeth been giving you troubles but you had to get 4 shots at the doctor's office this month, but you were so very tough! Mommy had to take you all by herself and you calmed down pretty quickly but you didn't like the pain one bit! Mommy gave you a big, bubbly bubble bath when we got home that night before bed...and that helped you feel extra comfy! 

Even though you have had some painful times, we have had a lot of fun too this month! You have gone to visit all of your Grandmas and Grandpas quite a bit and you even had the chance to swim with Grandma Tessa this month! We took you swimming and you went under water for your very FIRST time and Mommy helped you! You went down and came back up with the cutest face, like you weren't really sure about it....blinked your big eyes then began to cry. As soon as Mommy held you on her shoulder you stopped crying, I was so proud of you for being so adventurous! You are my little water baby! You love the water and it is hilarious to me that a tiny 3 month old can be so chill in the're my kind of girl! I can't wait until we can be beach bums together and Daddy can't wait until you can scuba dive with us! Uncle Chet, Aunt Katie, you and I all went to a party to find out if Ms. Kaci and Mr. Mason are having a girl or a and I guessed right...It's a girl and you will have a new friend named Paisley in just a few more months! We can't wait for you to meet her! You also had fun meeting and playing with Aunt Katie’s nephews, Dylan and Landon! They were soooo sweet to you! They love looking at your pretty picture and they even shared their stuffed animals with you! Speaking of new friends...your newest baby friend Miss Aria Blair was born on August 12th, and she is dainty and sweet, just like you! The 2 of you have the cutest baby cheeks in the world and her Mommy and I have been talking almost every day about the 2 of you since WAYYYY before you were even born! We will be going to meet them all in September! Her Daddy and I have been friends since we were babies too, he is pretty much a part of our we hope that you and Aria will be friends forever just like us! 

This month has been filled with love, smiles, happiness, and little girl giggles...we are beyond blessed to have you share the fun of life with truly make each day brighter...our sweet, little sunshine!

Love you forever, 
A Letter From Daddy: 3 Months 

Dear Kinsley,

            Well it is hard to believe you are already 3 months old! You are growing so strong and I can no longer call you my little bobble-head because you can hold your head up all on your own now. You are starting to turn over from your back to your tummy and like to make funny noises while trying! Mommy and Daddy talk to you all the time and you are so silly because you think you are talking back to us! You are just now beginning to figure out what noises you can make and we absolutely love talking with you.
            The saddest part of your 3-month experience has been the beginnings of you teething. It breaks my heart to see you cry in pain but it is also so funny to see you discover your taste buds! Yep, your reaction to grape flavored Tylenol is priceless! As soon as we give you that, you instantly stop and look up with this silly look like you just discovered a whole new world!
 It is so much fun to watch you smile and giggle all the time now. You will sit there with a big smile on your face for so long that you end up drooling all over your shirt! You are such a happy baby and we couldn’t ask for anything more. My new thing is to hold you on my lap and lift you high into the air and yell “SUUUPER BABY” and you give me the biggest smile and come down giggling every time! It has become my favorite thing to do now because making you smile makes me so happy and I know that will never, ever change. I love you so much and enjoy this journey of you growing up more than I ever imagined… I know one day soon I will want it to slow down but for now, it is absolutely amazing.

Love Always,

Bedtime Fun
Get that Sun Out of My Eyes she says! 
Chilled Out, Relaxin' All Cool....
Snugglin' and Sleepin' with Sophie and Great Maw!

 Super Sweetness

Kinsley Loves to Smile and Stand!
Tummy Time Master...
After...Yay Kins!

Lovin' Sittin' Up and Lookin' Around!
                                                                         Our Ray of Sunshine in the SUNSHINE....
FIRST time in her High Chair

 2 Month Check up and 4 SHOTS...What a Tough GiRL! 
Shortly after her shots...she gave a smile....look at those 4 bandaids...
 Let's GET out of here...
Time for a well deserved NAP!
Mommy Spoiled her with a warm bubbly bath after all of that! 
 Daddy and Kinsley Time


Mommy and Me Time with Kinsley 

Kinsley seeing herself in the mirror smiling as Mamma sings "Never Grow Up" to her....


  Fun Times with Friends and Family!
Aunt Katie loves to hold Kinsley...especially on Aunt Katie's Birthday!

Fun with Aunt Katie and Uncle Chet's Nephews....Dylan and Landon

Fun at the CIRCUS with Kinsley's cousin Korbin!

Kinsley's Best Baby Friend Kendall...her Mamma and I run around the town and wear the girls OUT! 
Kinsley's Playgroup Friends...These kiddos will grow up together bc their Daddy's work together! 



Kinsley's Newest Baby Best Friend or more or less basically her cousin...Aria Blair...born August glad her and Kins had matching BOW hats the day they were born...what more could you ask for in a baby best friend?!?
We are so happy Aria is finally here!
Kinsley Elizabeth + Aria Blair = Best Baby Friends FOREVER
Aria's of my longest childhood friends/ pretty much other brother! We share my Puerto Rican "Gramma"!
We hosted a party for all of the kids that we grew up with and their families...
here are the kids from the block...
The Kids and their kids....and the Parents/ Grandparents...
Amazing how it multiplies! 
 Sizzlin' in the Summer Sun...and Wonderful Water FUN!

Teething Troubles...

Our FIRST thumb suck....or bite really! My poor baby's gums hurt...what is a girl to do! 
We like to tuck and suck our bottom lip now...
 Umm....I swear she's posin' like a 1 year out the arm on the armrest!
Pretty girl in a snazzy headband Mamma made!
 Posin' like it's Preschool Spring Portraits lol! This child was born to pose...YES she is mine! 
 After all of that hard work in her 3 month photo shoot...she's those baby yawns! 

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