How far along? 26 weeks
Fruit/Veggie Comparison: head of lettuce (13.6-14.8 inches)
Total Weight Gain/ Loss? 16 pounds
Fruit/Veggie Comparison: head of lettuce (13.6-14.8 inches)
Total Weight Gain/ Loss? 16 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Maternity pants and my same shirts! I am still trying to get wear out of all of the ones I know I might not be fitting into here soon! Haha
Stretch Marks? Nope...still lotioning it up
Sleep: Still sleeping really well and really deeply!
Best Moment THIS Week: Seeing my Superstar Painter, Mr. Kiss, so excited and hard at work in Lil' Miss Kiss' room painting a GORGEOUS Gray on the walls with amazingly PERFECT Yellow Stripes
Miss Anything? Wearing my comfy t-shirts at home and not having them be tight on my belly!
Movement: Oh goodness! We have had lots of movement this week...more and more every day. I can really see her and feel her the best when I am peaceful and resting on my back at night or in the morning. She is supposed to be over a foot long now, so it's crazy to see movements from one side of my tummy to the other all at once! One night when Jeff was at work, I even sent him and my parents a video of her moving in my was CRAZY, you could really see her poppin around! Sometimes when as soon as Jeff goes to feel her BIG movements, she stops moving, so we say she hides from Daddy sometimes...or he has also said "She just likes it when Daddy holds her!" ;) He was watching her big movements and said "I wanna see how strong she! She is strong!" Chet got to feel her movements this week and he said "She's practicing her high kicks in there, she's going to be a drill team dancer!" (and he hadn't even read my 23 week high kick chalkboard blog...oh great sibling minds think alike! lol)
Food Cravings: Still lovin' my Tiny Clementine Cuties annnnnnddd chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream every now and again! WONDERFUL brand ALMONDS...I have been eatin' them up this week!
Food Cravings: Still lovin' my Tiny Clementine Cuties annnnnnddd chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream every now and again! WONDERFUL brand ALMONDS...I have been eatin' them up this week!
Recent, Unpleasant Developments: I feel that third trimester tiredness, slowly starting to creep its way in...or maybe I am just overdoing it with all of this energy...haha! Also, having to finally break down and go shopping for a new bra...thankfully my patient mom was there to help me through the nightmare!
Have you started to show yet: My first graders keep commenting daily on how much Baby Kiss must be growing because my tummy sure is growing! They love to give me AND my tummy hugs each day! Baby Kiss is already sooooo loved!
Gender: Bow Wearin' Baby Girl
Labor Signs: Not at all
Belly Button In or Out? IN, still crossing my fingers for that not to change...but I can begin to feel it stretching
Wedding Rings On or Off? ON every, love, love my husband!
Happy, Emotional, or Moody Most of the Time: SO overly excited that Baby Kiss will be here in less than 100 days! Really loving each moment and letting it all soak in!
Funny/ Sweet Quotes from the First Graders:
"You're baby is growing up Mrs. Kiss, because your tummy is getting bigger." -Gabriel
Looking Forward to: A Super Bowl Sunday kinda weekend, complete with all of the YUMMY Buffalo Wings and Veggies I can eat! Daddy has agreed to do a special drawing on the chalkboard that Sunday...soooo be on the look out for Week 27's chalkboard done by DADDY!
Funny/ Sweet Quotes from the First Graders:
"You're baby is growing up Mrs. Kiss, because your tummy is getting bigger." -Gabriel
Looking Forward to: A Super Bowl Sunday kinda weekend, complete with all of the YUMMY Buffalo Wings and Veggies I can eat! Daddy has agreed to do a special drawing on the chalkboard that Sunday...soooo be on the look out for Week 27's chalkboard done by DADDY!