Sunday, January 27, 2013

Let the NESTING Begin!

About a month ago, a friend of ours had asked me if I had started the nesting phase yet...I thought about it for a quick second and said no not least I didn't think so. So earlier last week I began self assessing...thinking about the things I had been doing in the recent weeks which included being overly detailed and organized in so many ways. 

I found that I had developed a whole new mindset out of no where, not even realizing it. For example, after meeting with my first grade team, I would type up a synopsis just so we were all on the same page. I also found myself beginning to have a strong desire to want to clean and organize things. I went in on a Saturday to my classroom just to ORGANIZE! Ha...What started as a desire to organize a couple of piles of randomness, turned into that and the time I left I had organized the piles, as well as my 4 cabinets filled with who knows what...ultimately throwing away 2 huge trash bags of stuff (did I mention I am in the GIVE IT AWAY or THROW IT AWAY mentality right now too?). I organized our closet, baby kiss' clothes and things in her room, the refrigerator, even cleaning the baseboards once I got down to see the yuckiness of them, etc. Sometimes I would catch myself thinking, maybe tomorrow I can organize Jeff's drawers and side of the closet like he has been wanting to do! So, I stopped to this normal...where is all of this coming from? I thought to myself, I am not really sure what EXACTLY nesting is...but this has GOT to be it. 

I looked up NESTING on the internet and found the following definitions:
Nesting: the instinct that refers to a powerful urge to prepare the home in pregnant animals or people
Also, one of the articles said: If you're pregnant and feeling the urge to reorganize closets, alphabetize the spice rack, and thwarting dust bunny breeding under the're preparing the "nest" for your soon-to-be baby, just like hamsters, cats, dogs, and birds! 

It was so funny to see and read all of this info and I literally LAUGHED OUT LOUD to myself when I realized this is truly a case of nesting...the funny thing was I was doing it all without any thought of "oh I have got to get this house ready for baby"...I just suddenly became driven to do it all! What a weird thing to experience, but hey, I am not complaining, I am enjoying it!

So, in honor of my latest feelings of the get 'er done mentality. Jeff and I were off to Buy Buy Baby to match paint to our bedding and get some paint for the walls from your truly, Home Depot. 

Jeff's recommendation for my ventilation! ;)
We went out and got all of our tools and supplies, and I was dying to help just sounded like fun and we ALWAYS paint together! It's just our thing (if you have ever been to our house, you know EVERY wall is painted except the upstairs bedrooms, so we were thrilled to paint the room)...but I resisted the urge so that I could keep Baby Kiss as safe as can be! I still managed to pop in and capture some of the important moments of the project though!
Jeff with his fancy drill removing those
pesty outlets! 
Me helping with the prep work in the only way I could...
sticking on that BLUE painters tape to protect those baseboards.
Taping can be a dirty job...but someone's gotta do it!
Ready to pour that pretty paint!
It's GRAY! I'm so excited for Lil' Miss
Kiss' gray walls! 
The Paint is ON!
As Mr. Kiss got started we decided to have some fun with the painting! We are down to pretty much deciding between 2 names: Kinsley and McKinli...I am in love with them both, I just haven't been able to commit, sign, seal, deliver kinda thing...but for the past month or so Jeff has been calling her McKinli any time he talks to her and refers to her, and takes votes from anyone he comes in contact with...cute right?!?! I know! I am getting closer to finalizing the name and since he has been calling her McKinli, we decided it would be fun to paint it on the wall, as a fun memory!  

He was so proud! 

Jeff insisted I wear the mask while up there! 
Talk about serious protection! LOL
The stripes are ON!
I left him alone to paint and perfect, and after 2 coats and a day of taping and painting our sweet gray and yellow striped wall (on the day after he worked ALL night on the mid)...the painting is complete! Check out my Professional Painter's Work! 

Look at those PRECISE, no bleed lines!

I couldn't be more excited for the is PERFECT!
Lil' Miss Kiss' 1st Photo in her New Room!
While he was up painting the initial night...I couldn't just sit around twiddling my thumbs or reading a I got to work on our cabinets (which I had been itching to do)...some true NESTING, if you will. I went through and cleared out TONS of unnecessary glasses, cups, mugs, water bottles, etc to give away, so that Baby Kiss would have room for her kitchen supplies! She now has her very own 2 shelves and a drawer just waiting for her! I cleared out a whole drawer and even organized our fine china hutch in the formal dining room! EVERYTHING has its specific place, and I love it! Our cabinets and house, overall, was pretty organized before, but now it is beyond belief! I was so excited and proud once it was all completed! 
The dreaded Tupperware cabinet! 
Baby Kiss' Cabinet is ready for bottles and more!
Of course I am just dying to get the bedding and furniture in so I can put it all together and see the whole picture (I have never been a fan of unfinished projects, even more so now than ever). I can't wait to see it all unfold and put everything in its place. 

I still have a few more projects up my sleeve in regards to organization...but these last few weeks I have cracked myself up with this crazy nesting feeling that has come over me! It's been fun for sure! 

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