Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Halfway to the FINISH Line!

20 weeks makes the halfway mark, and Baby Kiss is really starting to peek out! This past week EVERYONE at work began making comments about how excited they were that they could see now. My principal even said "I didn't believe you until now!" haha! I pretty much doubled, or maybe even tripled in size from what I was a week ago! People started noticing (at about 19 1/2 weeks) last Wednesday, Thursday, and was really funny how just all of the sudden everyone randomly began making comments around the same time! "OOOh I can see it!" they would say! I guess Baby Kiss figured she needed to make some sort of appearance at our gender reveal party that week, and at least make Mommy look kinda pregnant! I think by the official 20 week mark, I had doubled since the Gender Reveal Party on Saturday! Can we say growth spurt?!!?!?

I am in disbelief that I am already halfway through this journey...
 only 20 more weeks to go! 
20 weeks and we have a Lil' Miss Kiss in our arms!  

I can finally hold my little pregnant belly now! 

Yay! Baby Kiss is a GIRL! 

Jeff is so amazed with the tummy growth...
he makes sweet comments about it all of the time with a little smile! 

How far along? 20 weeks 1 day
Fruit/Veggie Comparison: Banana or Coconut (6.5 inches)
Total Weight Gain/ Loss? 5 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Wearing the Belly Band with ALL of my pants now. I tried to wear a pair of transitional maternity jeans to dinner one night that button and everything...but they got so stretched out in an hour they were falling off of I am not quite ready for them yet! 
Stretch Marks? Nope...still lotioning it up
Sleep: Sleeping GREAT but exhausted from all of the gender reveal excitement!
Best Moment THIS Week: Finding out that Baby Kiss is a Lil' Miss Kiss surrounded by the love of our family and friends! 
Miss Anything? Not having to pull up and adjust my pants every time I get up from sitting down! 
Movement: I am still thinking I have felt some flutters, but still not 100% sure! 
Food Cravings: Still cucumbers, clementine oranges, grapefruit...and I have been wanting meatloaf...weird, I never want meatloaf haha but a friend at work was eating some and it made me really want some
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: YES! Everyone at work has been commenting that they can finally see it! 
Gender: Baby Kiss is a GIRL...a Lil' Miss Kiss is on her way! 
Labor Signs: Not at all
Belly Button In or Out? IN, still crossing my fingers for that not to change
Wedding Rings On or Off? ON every, love, love my husband! 
Happy, Emotional, or Moody Most of the Time: GLOWING with excitement and loving that we know our Lil' Miss Kiss is on her way and she is starting to show!
Funny/ Sweet Quotes from the First Graders:
"I feel excited that Mrs. Kiss' baby is growing, I hope it keeps growing everyday!"- Jennifer
"I hope you have a girl, they are easier to train!" -5th Grader
Looking Forward to: Being out of school to celebrate the holidays with my family and shopping for the Baby Kiss nursery!

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