Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Growing By the Fruit

So I am officially a sucker for the week by week pregnancy sites that tell you how the baby is developing, the weight, and the most FUN part...the size comparison! I love, love, love to know what fruit or vegetable Baby Kiss has grown to the size of each week! 

 Last week was week 10, and we were the size of a prune! Much bigger than a tiny blueberry!
Sorry for the blurry picture...Mr. Kiss' hand isn't always so steady! ;)

Last week was week 10, and we were the size of a prune! Much bigger than a tiny blueberry! 

Baby Kiss is definitely growing by the FRUIT because I eat a whole lot of it! Since 2 days after I found out I was pregnant Jeff and I rekindled our addiction to JAMBA JUICE and we have kept it going ever since! Not really a pregnancy craving, just a Mr. and Mrs. Kiss kinda craving! I love, love, love my Jamba! I know it's packed with sugar...but hey it's packed with FRUIT and helps with my hydration! Double win! This week I even purchased the insulated cup, which helps regulars like me receive 10% off every time they come in! However, I must admit I really bought it to assist in my water intake at school, since taking sips from a straw throughout the day seems to be more time efficient to drink from during my busy day than a wide mouth water bottle! So far, it's been a success...I am now getting my reccomended water intake each day thanks to my colorful whirly cup! 

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