Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sharing the News

So, we had to spread the word to our families ASAP! So, we went to my parent's house on Tuesday night , the soonest that we could. My plan was just to use the same card I gave Jeff to reveal it to them too...but Jeff wanted to do it up bigger! He wanted to go and find Grandma and Grandpa t-shirts for them. I told him we would have to order them online....but maybe we can find something at Sam Moon! So, to Sam Moon we went, we found nothing but a picture frame and I thought well this might work but I bet they would have better ones at Hobby Lobby....and then when we walked out we found the most perfect coffee cups! They said "I'm a Grandma/ Grandpa....Let the Spoiling Begin". It was perfect and totally made for all of our coffee drinking parents! 

We went over to bring them to my parents. Of course, my mom had suspected something was up and naturally they were so excited but definitely in shock! They weren't sure it was real! 

Later that night they proceed to text me and tell me "We are so happy, You're dad is in awe! It feels like tomorrow morning is going to be Christmas. We can't wait to have coffee in our Grandma and Grandpa cups. You're dad already washed them and set them out. And I set up the coffee pot! We are talking about Grandparent names now!" 
(Which for the record they have now chosen Grammie and Gramps)

Oh man....what a big laugh this gave us and such huge smiles on our faces as we went to bed that night! 


We were also able to share it with Jeff's dad and his wife Fonda, as well as his Mom and her husband Jack soon after! They have a coffee cup collection so we thought this would be a perfect addition! They were very excited as well! Take at their coffee cups...look familiar? 

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